The Magical Power of Banana Peels in The Garden

Banana peels are a good source of nutrients — as most kitchen scraps are — and that’s why they are a welcome addition to our compost piles.

Fresh banana peels contain calcium, which helps decomposing the nitrogen in the soil. This process provide the proper nutrients circulation that controls the overall metabolism of a plant.

Let’s have a look at these different ways of using banana peels in your garden.

Banana-Vinegar Mix to Feed Your Plants

Acid-loving plants like gardenias, rhododendrons, blueberries, and azaleas will love a quick spray with the banana-vinegar mix. Vinegar, if used in small amount, can increase acidity and enhances the iron content in the soil, allowing these acid-loving plants to grow healthy new leaves. Begin by fermenting banana peels and follow the instructions below. If the mix has a strong vinegar smell, dilute it with an equal amount of water, to avoid killing the plants.

Nourish your Plants

Roses, orchids and tomatoes love having bananas scraps at their roots. Cut the banana peels in small pieces and place them around the base of the stems. Repeat every 3 – 4 weeks.

Fertilize Tomato Plants

If you want your tomato plants to thrive and produce the harvest prolifically, don’t forget to add banana peels. Banana peels add extra potassium, iron, and calcium to the soil, providing extra nutrition to your growing tomatoes.

Banana Peel to Attract Beneficial Insects

The sugar inside the banana peels is particularly attractive to pollinating insects such as butterflies or bees. You may know that pollination is an mandatory process for the plant’s reproduction.

Banana peel is an excellent alternative to pesticides. For good results:

– Hang banana peels everywhere on the fruit trees branches. In this way, worms will be more attracted to the banana peels, forgetting about the fruits.
– Remove the infested banana peels.
– Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

Banana Compost

Banana peels are biodegradable, which makes them an excelent add-on to the compost pile. Just make sure you add them already shredded, so they will not attract raccoons and skunks. Also, the small pieces will increase the potassium and phosphorus amount of your compost.

DIY Banana Fertilizer

You need:

– banana peels
– egg shells
– coffee grounds
– water
– blender

What do you do:

Just place everything in the blender, close it, keep your hand on top and mix it for about 2 minutes.
Now just put the fertilizer in the watering can and add some extra water to make the solution liquid. Your perfect fertilizer in now ready to use!


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