Best Natural Fertilizer For Indoor Plants! They Will Always Be Green With Blooming Flowers

Indoor plants need fertilizer to grow healthy and to maintain their green leaves and blooming flowers. This fertilizer must be applied during the growing and blooming periods.

I don`t use fertilizers from specialized stores because this DIY mix is perfect for my living room’s green and blooming corner. It’s basic ingredient is yeast.

🧴 Ingredients:

◼ 1/4 cup of dry yeast

◼ 1 tablespoon of sugar

◼ 1/4 gallon of warm water

🥣 How to prepare:

Disslove the yeast in some water, then add sugar. Let the mix soak for at least two hours, then combine it with water in a ratio of 1:5 before using. I water my plants with this fertilizer once a month durig autumn-winter and once every 10 days in the summer.

Yeast is very beneficial for all plants because it contains phytohormones, B vitamins and auxines. All these stimulate cell division and plant growth.

This type of fertilizer is also used by professional gardeners.


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