A little-known practice, not very complicated and with good effect on plant’s health and fruit quality. What is tomato defoliation …
Radishes have a vegetation period of 30-45 days. They can grow both in the field and in greenhouses. For a …
1. The optimum temperature for potted cacti in winter is 10 degrees Celsius. If they don’t receive 2-3 months of …
An independent US institution (Environmental Working Group – EWG) that tracks down the quality of fruit and vegetables in American …
1. A destructive pest present on all continents. 2. It is considered one of the most dangerous pests. 3. The …
Slugs are not a pleasant presence in the garden. Here are some things that will make them understand that they …
Attacking and damaging: 1. It is a polyphagous pest that attacks many species of plants. 2. It causes great damage …
Blight is one of the worst tomatoes diseases. It is caused by a microscopic fungus that can completely destroy the …
Most gardeners know how to grow tomatoes. But few extra secrets will never hurt. Choose a sunny and airy location. …
Orchids (Phalaenopsis) are the revelation in terms of indoor plants. Most people believe orchids are fragile plants, short-lived. But orchids …