Chipmunks in Your Yard? 11 Natural Ways to Control and Prevent Attraction

If you’ve ever stepped into your garden only to be greeted by the playful scurrying of chipmunks, you know just how charming these little creatures can be. However, their presence can quickly turn troublesome when they start digging up your plants or raiding your bird feeders. Fortunately, there are several natural and effective methods to control and prevent chipmunks from feeling at home in your yard. In this article, we will explore 11 strategies that will help keep these furry invaders at bay while allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space peacefully.

Remove Food Sources

One of the first steps in keeping chipmunks away from your yard is to eliminate any food sources that may attract them. This means being diligent about bird feeders—consider switching to squirrel-proof feeders or placing them in areas that are less accessible to chipmunks. Additionally, regularly check for fallen fruits, nuts, or seeds in your garden and promptly remove them to reduce the food supply.

Secure Trash Bins

If your trash bins are not secured, they can become a buffet for chipmunks. Make sure your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids, and consider investing in animal-proof containers if necessary. This simple step can diminish the likelihood of chipmunks visiting your yard in search of an easy meal.

Plant Chipmunk-Repellent Plants

Incorporating chipmunk-repellent plants into your garden can be an effective deterrent. Plants like mint, garlic, and marigolds are known to repel these little critters. By introducing such plants, you not only enhance your garden’s aesthetics but also make it less appealing to chipmunks.

Create Physical Barriers

Building physical barriers can be a great way to prevent chipmunks from accessing certain areas of your garden. Consider installing fences that are at least a foot under the ground to deter their burrowing habits. This can protect your vegetable patch, flower beds, or any other garden features that might draw their interest.

Use Natural Repellents

Natural repellents can be quite useful in keeping chipmunks at bay. Many homeowners use solutions like cayenne pepper or predator urine, which can be sprayed in areas of concern. These substances create an inhospitable environment for chipmunks, encouraging them to look elsewhere for food and shelter.

Deter Through Noise

Chipmunks are sensitive to noise, so introducing noise deterrents might help in discouraging them from frequenting your yard. Wind chimes, motion-activated alarms, or even a simple radio can create an unsettling environment for these little creatures, persuading them to stay clear of your space.

Mulch Wisely

While mulch is great for your garden, it can also provide a cozy home for chipmunks if not applied wisely. Opt for gravel or other coarse materials for areas prone to chipmunk activity, as these are less inviting for them. Keeping mulch in check not only enhances your garden’s health but also minimizes hiding spots for chipmunks.

Limit Shelter Options

Chipmunks love to nest in areas where they feel safe and sheltered. To reduce potential habitats, trim back overgrown shrubs and clear any debris from your yard. By limiting their hiding spots, chipmunks will be less inclined to take up residence near your home.

Encourage Natural Predators

Consider attracting natural predators to your space as a way to manage chipmunk populations. Birds of prey, such as hawks, can help keep these little rodents in check. Install birdhouses or perches to encourage their presence, and enjoy the additional benefit of a diverse wildlife environment in your garden.

Use Motion-Activated Sprinklers

For a more high-tech solution, motion-activated sprinklers can be an effective way to surprise and deter chipmunks. When they approach, these sprinklers will activate, releasing a burst of water that sends them scurrying away. It’s a non-lethal method that can be a fun way to protect your garden while keeping the chipmunks at bay.

Maintain Regular Yard Maintenance

Lastly, regular yard maintenance is essential in preventing chipmunks from making themselves at home. Keep your lawn trimmed, remove clutter, and regularly check for potential nesting sites. By maintaining an orderly yard, you make it less appealing for chipmunks and reduce the opportunities for them to settle down.


While chipmunks may be adorable creatures, their presence in your yard can lead to unwanted trouble. By implementing these 11 natural ways to control and prevent chipmunk attraction, you can enjoy your garden without the worry of these furry little intruders. Remember that creating an environment that is uninviting to chipmunks will not only help protect your plants but can also enhance the overall health and aesthetics of your yard. Happy gardening.