How to Kill Rats with Salt: A Simple Homemade Poison Recipe

Dealing with a rat infestation can be a daunting task. Not only are these pests disruptive, but they also pose health risks by spreading diseases. While there are numerous commercial rodenticides on the market, many homeowners seek simple, homemade solutions that are both effective and easy to prepare. One such method involves using salt as a key ingredient. In this article, we will explore how to kill rats with salt by providing a simple homemade poison recipe, along with the rationale behind its effectiveness.

The Salt Poison Recipe and Its Effectiveness

When dealing with a rodent problem, finding an effective and safe method is crucial. One such solution is a simple recipe known as salt poison. This method utilizes common household ingredients to create an effective bait that targets rats.

Ingredients Needed

  • Table Salt: A common kitchen staple, salt serves as the main component of this recipe. It’s easily accessible and plays a critical role in the effectiveness of the bait.
  • Flour: This will act as a binding agent that helps the mixture hold together. Flour makes the bait more appealing to rats, as they are attracted to its carbohydrate content.
  • Boric Acid (optional): This ingredient can enhance the effectiveness of the poison. While it’s not necessary for the recipe, boric acid is often used in pest control and can provide additional potency against pests.

Recipe Steps

  1. Combine the Ingredients: Start by mixing equal parts of table salt and flour in a bowl. If you decide to use boric acid for added potency, incorporate a small amount into the mixture at this stage.
  2. Create Small Bait Balls: Gradually add water to the mixture until it reaches a dough-like consistency. Once you have the right texture, roll the mixture into small balls, roughly the size of a marble.
  3. Set Traps: It’s time to place these bait balls in strategic locations where you suspect rat activity. Ideal spots include areas near droppings, nests, or along commonly traveled routes.

How It Works

So, how does this salt poison recipe work its magic? Rats are naturally attracted to the mixture because of the flour’s carbohydrate content. Once they consume it, the high salt content begins to dehydrate them and disrupts their bodily functions.

This method stands out not only for its effectiveness but also for being less toxic than some commercial poisons. It’s a cost-effective solution for homeowners looking to tackle rodent issues without resorting to harsh chemicals.


While salt might seem like an ordinary kitchen item, it proves to be surprisingly effective when used as a homemade rat poison. By utilizing this simple recipe, you can tackle a rat problem without resorting to harsh chemicals. However, it’s important to remember that safety comes first: ensure that the bait is placed in locations inaccessible to children and pets. Always check the traps regularly, dispose of any deceased rodents properly, and follow up with preventive measures to keep your home rat-free. With a bit of patience and the right approach, you can reclaim your space from these unwelcome invaders.