If your orchid is dry and thirsty, excessive watering isn’t the best option to revive this sensitive plant. Why? Because the orchid’s roots may rot!
So, avoid this extreme method, because saving an orchid with rotten roots is more difficult than saving a dehydrated one. When the plant receives too much water, the oxygen can’t get to the roots. Excess water will lead to root rot, and the absorption of nutrients will be blocked.
Plant care
Once the yellow leaves occured, check the roots and act immediately, because there might be a chance to save the plant.
Remove the plant from the pot, detangle the roots and remove the bark trapped between the roots. Now, take a sharp scissors and trim all the rotten roots. If some roots are only partially rotted, trim them up to the healthy tissue. Pour hydrogen peroxide over the cuts because it will act as a disinfectant.
In case you spot black mold on the orchid’s roots, clean it with cotton buds until you remove any trace of it.
Next, apply a fungicid to prevent further fungus and mold growth.
Repot the orchid just after you’ve completely disinfected the pot.
Use a special substrate for epiphytic orchids and mix it with coconut husk chips and Sphagnum moss.
In order to fill the pot properly, put 1 inch of bark on the bottom, place the orchid in the middle and, without moving it, try to fill the pot with substrate.
Don’t water the orchid in the first 5 days after the repotting.
That’s it! You’ve just revived your beloved orchid (if you followed the above steps correctly).