How To Cut A Potted Bonsai Tree Correctly

Even if it looks easy, taking care of a bonsai is a hard task to do. This is a plant that requires special care and attention. Cutting the bonsai is trivial for its life.

Steps to follow:

  • Cutting the bonsai is done to create a shape.
  • Like other plants, such as olive or cherry, cutting is done to remove dry or damaged branches.
  • Generally, the best time for cutting the bonsai is at the end of winter when it is at rest.
  • As a general rule, concave cutting is recommended for primary branches because it is the best and fastest way to treat any damage. Straight cuts leave a beak, which, besides being unsightly, takes longer to heal and may endanger the health of the bonsai.
  • Concave cuts are recommended for secondary branches too. If you only want to shorten the branches of the bonsai, so as to adapt or get the shape we want, we must do the diagonal cutting upwards. Straight or perpendicular cuts take a long time to heal, and diagonally down should never be done.
  • When the cuts you make cause large, normal wounds during the cutting process, it’s better to would cover them with sealing paste to heal properly.

Cutting the bonsai, essential for healthy growth

  • In addition to removing the damaged branches, cutting the bonsai is important for its good development. Due to the regeneration and growth capacity, we can achieve cutting the roots to stimulate their development.
  • We can achieve cutting roots in those cases where we need denser and more compact roots. For this, we need to cut the longest roots well.
  • With this root cut we encourage the bonsai to develop fibrous roots.

However, other roots grow too quickly, so it’s necessary to cut off the bonsai to control its growth.

Image Credits: Homeguides


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