Exotic plants are beginning to gain more and more interest among people who want to have a tropical, lush green corner home, and a dwarf banana tree is the number one among these special plants. Dwarf banana trees are easy-to-care and easy-to-grow plant, doesn’t grow much in height, and can be transplanted in the garden or moved to the terrace or balcony.
1. Carefully choose the soil for the dwarf banana tree
Because it is removed from its natural habitat, the dwarf banana tree needs conditions that are as close as possible to those in its area of origin. Thus, the soil plays an important role in the development of the plant. The most desirable soil for a dwarf banana is the one made up of garden soil, golden peat and marmite, all in equal parts.
2. Ensure optimum humidity for the dwarf banana
Potted dwarf banana tree needs a high degree of humidity in the air to grow and maintain its vigorous and healthy exterior appearance. Air humidity should be around 60%, but if the air in the apartment is too dry, it’s recommended to place a pot of water near the dwarf banana tree and spray the plant with fresh water for optimum humidity.
As for soil watering, it’s good to do it twice a week. If the temperature in the apartment is high and the soil dries quickly, it’s advisable to wipe the plant’s leaves every two days.
3. Fertilize dwarf banana from spring to autumn
Potted dwarf banana needs fertilization to benefit from extra vitamins and minerals. From May to October, dwarf banana tree is fertilized weekly with a liquid fertilizer for green plants.
4. Give the dwarf banana natural light
Natural light plays an important role in the development of a potted dwarf banana tree, which is why it is good to place the plant near the window. If you can place the plant out on the terrace, where it can enjoy several hours of sunshine, it would be even better.
5. Cut dried leaves
Depending on the conditions it has in the hot season, a dwarf pot can grow a new leaf every 5 days, but in the cold season the leaf development is slowed down. As young leaves appear, the old ones turn yellow and wilt. Old leaves have to be cut, for the dwarf banana to have a neat look.
Image Credits: Balconygardenweb