How To Take Proper Care Of Your Garden In November! Useful Gardening Tips!

November is the last autumn month. It is the moon of the quail, the whips, the brume, the chrysanthemums and the month where all things should be prepared for winter. November in gardening means rain, cold days and an increasingly gray landscape. But beyond that, anyone who has enjoyed of the fabulous gifts a garden can give (with trees, vegetables or flowers) knows that November is the equivalent of the first spring month, because during the whole month of November are done gardening preparations for spring.

Everything you do in November in the garden will be seen in March and April the next year.

Cleaning the garden is essential in November. A good and proper cleaning of the garden means fewer problems next year, fewer weeds and fewer pests. Clean trees, shrubs and plants, because, if you don’t do that, they will be attacked by pests, molds and diseases. The leaves can be used for compost and to cover the ground before the first snow.

Preparing gardening tools is another basic activity for the end of November. All tools must be cleaned, lubricated with oil so as not to rust, repaired, sharpened and stored for next season.

Soil fertilization is another basic activity for November. Autumn rain, snow, and the frost-thaw alternation will help the organisms from organic fertilizers to get deep into the ground.

Even after you have covered the ground with leaves and assured you that it has the nutrients needed by the plants to grow properly, you have to keep fighting with weeds, because they won’t grow too much in spring.

In areas where frost comes later, November is the ideal month for splitting perennials. You can also plant roses, anemones, freesias, lilies and even vegetables that will explode in vegetation in the first few weeks of spring.

Every beautiful November day should be spent out in the garden. Every detail set up during this period will bring rich fruits, beautiful flowers and a garden easier to care for next year.

Image Credits: Youtube and Gardencentreguide


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