Houseplants may seem harmless. However, some of the most popular houseplants are poisonous and fatal for children. Here are the most dangerous houseplants that you should keep away from children.
Philodendron is a common plant found in many homes, its beauty being undisputed. However, philodendron is a highly toxic plant, especially for children. First symptoms of infection are: severe mouth irritation, burns and sore throat. In severe cases it can indicate bowel irritation, vomiting and diarrhea.
Oleander is a poisonous plant, but few are those who know this. It contains highly toxic substances and is not recommended to be kept around children.
Among the first symptoms occurred after ingesting the plant: changes in heart rhythm, nausea and increased levels of potassium in the body.
Dieffenbachia is one of the most popular houseplants. Besides its stunning beauty, it’s hiding terrifying secrets. Even in small quantities, once ingested, the plant can be fatal for children. First symptoms of poisoning with
Dieffenbachia are: inflammation of the mouth and throat, temporary paralysis of the vocal cords and nausea. They can also cause serious eye infections.