No matter how big or small your garden is, snails can be a problem and some solutions to help you get rid of them are welcome.
You can get rid of snails with all kinds of synthetic chemicals. But the chemicals are a solution for large gardens, but they are obviously toxic and are not recommended for the garden around the house, where everyone wants a clean and healthy environment. On the other hand, snails can be a big problem because they destroy both the vegetable and the flowers.
Snails with shells, but especially slugs – are among the most common garden pests. A garden without chemicals is an area that snails adore most, and their attacks can be devastating.
The strategy that helps you get rid of snails involves their prevention and their destruction. Mowing the grass and the areas where water and compost accumulate is the first step. Keep the compost away from the area with flowers or vegetables.
The second part involves combating and preventing the snails to conquer the entire garden, and this involves making certain barrier made of thorny materials, organic or inorganic. The best are the sawdust, eggshells, nuts or sand. Surround the area with a barrier of sand or finely chopped straw. Snails can not pass through these barriers.
Some strong-smelling substances can keep the snails away from flowers and crops. Coffee, cinnamon and pepper mixed with sand are very effective too. Chili tea is also a good solution. Prepare a concentrated chili tea and water (5-6 chili chopped peppers per 1 liter of water). Simmer this tea on a pot with lid for about 5 minutes. Spray it in the evening around the areas you want to protect from slugs or snails. Use a spray bottle, cover your nose and mouth with a mask and wear goggles. It is preferable to do this operation when it does not rain.
Another solution to get rid of snails are the pine needles mixed with sawdust or sand.
Some people say that wood ash, slaked lime and mulch made from the stems and leaves of strong smelling plants, like wormwood and mint, can keep the snails out of your garden.
All these “treatments” are repeated from time to time, alternative, especially the day after the rain, when snails are most active. Obviously, the victims must be collected and discarded.
Ants, garden snakes, birds, turtles and hedgehogs are natural enemies of snails and their presence in the garden can help you get rid of snails.
Iron sulphate kills the snails. Mix two teaspoons of iron sulfate with two liters of water and spray this mixture on your plants.