How To Get Rid Of Weeds In The Garden Without Using Pesticides

You can get rid of weeds in the garden without using pesticides, but with natural remedies like a pro gardener. Below you have the best methods to get rid of weeds the natural way!

Unfortunately, weeds grow everywhere in the garden, and this is not very pleasant, especially when you worked hard to have the best and most beautiful vegetables, flowers or fruits.

Some of weeds are great for natural remedies, but some of them will suffocate your garden. They steal the water and nutrients from the soil that should reach to the plants and vegetables you’re growing.
Instead of using chemicals that can harm your crops, use natural substances.

Weed the garden every time is necessary
This is the first and most handy method to get rid of weeds. This means that you always have to watch them when they grow up to remove them. But weeding it means less time for gardening.

Suffocate the weeds
Another way to get rid of weeds in the garden is to put newspapers over them, and put mulch over the newspapers.
If the weeds are more resilient and try to reach the light, add another row of newspapers.

Homemade herbicide
Mix 2 cups of white vinegar with 1/2 cup of salt and a drop of liquid soap.
It is necessary for the salt to dissolve completely, and shake well the bottle before spraying it on the weeds.
You can prepare another solution made of water and vinegar in equal quantities.

Use salt
Another way to get rid of weeds in the garden is to use salt. Be careful how you sprinkle it, because in that particular place won’t grow anything else.

Get rid of weeds with oil
You need the cheapest oil on the market to get rid of the weeds in the garden.
Sunflower or rapeseed oil is also biodegradable, and has herbicidal and pesticide properties. These oils won’t harm your garden.

Grow chickens
This is also a way to have fresh eggs every day. You can let the hens to weed the garden 24 hours a day.

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